Translation(Übersetzung) |
school |
1. {noun} Schule {f} , Lehranstalt {f} , Penne {f} , Schulunterricht {m} |
2. {verb} schulen |
absence from school | Abwesenheit von der Schule , Schulversäumnis |
acting school | Schauspielschule |
art school | Kunstakademie |
at school | schulisch |
attend school | in die Schule gehen , am Unterricht teilnehmen , nach der Schule gehen |
between schools | zwischen Schulen |
boarding school | Internat , Internatsschule |
boarding-school miss | Pensionärin |
boarding-school pupil | Pensionärin |
boys' school | Knabenschule |
commercial high school | Wirtschaftsgymnasium |
commercial school | Handelsschule |
common school | Grundschule |
composite school | Gemeinschaftsschule |
comprehensive school | Gesamtschule |
consolidation school | Gemeinschaftsschule |
continuation school | Fortbildungsschule |
convent school | Klosterschule |
correspondence school | Fernstudium |
dance school | Tanzschule |
dancing school | Tanzschule |
driving school | Fahrschule |
elementary school | Volksschule , Grundschule |
end of school | Schulschluss |
flying school | Fliegerschule |
for school use | für den Schulgebrauch |
girls' school | Mädchenschule |
go to school | in die Schule gehen |
grade school | Grundschule |
grammar school | Gymnasium , Lateinschule |
grammar school pupil | Gymnasiast |
grammar school teacher | Gymnasiallehrer |
grammar-school | Gymnasial- |
grammar-school- | Gymnasial- |
high school | High-School , Gymnasium , Oberschule , Sekundarschule |
high school graduate | Maturand , Maturant |
high school student | Gymnasiast , Gymnasiastin |
hotel training school | Hotelfachschule |
infant-school | Kinderheim |
inspector of schools | Schulvisitator |
junior high school | Realschule |
middle school | Mittelstufe |
monastery school | Konvikt |
music school | Musikschule |
naval navy school | Seeschule |
naval school | Seefahrtschule |
night school | Abendschule , Abendgymnasium |
no-school | schulfrei |
normal school | Pädagogium |
nursery school teacher | Kindergärtnerin |
nursery-school teacher | Kindergärtnerin |
old school | alte Schulrichtung |
pre-school | vorschulisch |
pre-school age | Vorschulalter |
Pre-school child | Vorschulkind |
pre-school child | Vorschulkind |
primary school | Grundschule , Primarschule |
private school | Privatschule |
proof of school completion | Hauptschulabschluß |
public school | Privatschule |
required to attend school | schulpflichtig |
riding school | Reitschule , Reithalle |
Sabbath school | Sonntagsschule |
school administration | Schulverwaltung , Schulleitung |
school age | Einschulungsalter , Schulalter |
school attendance | Schulbesuch |
school board | Schulbehörde , Schulaufsichtsbehörde , Schulrat |
school building | Schulgebäude |
school bus | Schulbus |
school certificate | Schulzeugnis |
school children | Schulkinder , Schuljugend |
school class | Schulklasse |
school council | Schulrat |
school days | Schulzeit |
school desk | Schulbank |
school dictionary | ‰ bucolic , Schulwörterbuch |
school district | Schulbezirk |
school edition | Schulausgabe |
school education | Schulbildung |
school for the deaf | Gehörlosenschule |
school function | Schulfest |
school holidays | Schulferien |
school inspector | Schulvisitator , Schulinspektor |
school knowledge | Schulkenntnisse |
school learning | Schulunterricht |
school leaver | Schulabgänger |
school leaving examination | Abitur , Reifeprüfung |
school magazine | Schülerzeitung |
school medical officer | Schularzt |
school medicine | Schulmedizin |
school of applied arts | Kunstgewerbeschule |
school of arts | Kunstschule |
school of commerce | Handelsschule |
school of cookery | Kochschule |
school of dancing | Tanzschule |
school of engineering | Ingenieurschule |
school of mining engineering | Bergakademie |
school of music | Musikschule |
school principal | Schuldirektor |
school readiness | Schulreife |
school regulations | Schulordnung |
school report | Schulzeugnis |
school ship | Lehrschiff |
school sport | Schulsport |
school stress | Schulstress |
school subject | Schulfach |
school supervision | Schulaufsicht |
school system | Schulsystem , Schulwesen |
school timetable | Lehrplan |
school vessel | Lehrschiff |
school year | Schuljahr |
school years | Schulzeit |
school-days | Schulzeit |
school-girl | Schülerin , Pensionärin |
school-inspector | Schulinspektor |
school-leaver | Schulabgänger |
school-leaving exam | Abitur , Matura |
school-ship | Lehrschiff |
secondary modern school | Hauptschule |
secondary school | Mittelschule , Realschule |
secondary school student | Realschüler |
special school | Sonderschule , Hilfsschule |
specialized secondary school | Fachoberschule |
stay after school | nachsitzen |
stress at school | Schulstress |
Sunday school | Sonntagsschule |
supervision of schools | Schulaufsicht |
supervisory school authority | Schulamt |
technical high school | Berufsfachschule |
technical school | Technikum , Fachschule , technische Oberschule |
the old school | alte Lehrmeinung |
training school for non-commissioned officers | Unteroffiziersschule |
two-class elementary school | Zweiklassenschule |
upper level school office | Oberschulamt |
vestibule school | Werkschule |
village school | Landschule |
vocational school | Berufsschule , Gewerbeschule |
vocational secondary school | technische Oberschule |
way to school | Schulweg |
Examples (Beispiele) |
on school days | Tatsächlich sollte die Betreuung nach der Schule ausgebaut und zu einem Projekt werden , das der Familie , der Gemeinschaft , dem Land und Europa Nutzen bringt |
A Frenchman , aged 62 , was given a job at a school | Ein 62 - jähriger Franzose erhielt Arbeit an einer Schule |
Please fill this school bag and do away with this nonsense | Bitte füllen Sie diese Schultüte und schaffen Sie diesen Unsinn ab |
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