


"investment" - Transsoftware English-German dictionary (Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch)

1. {noun}   Investition {f} , Geldanlage {f} , Investitionsrechnung {f} , Investment {n} , Kapitalanlage {f} , Vermögensanlage {f}
bad investment Fehlinvestition
capital investment Kapitalinvestition
capital investment bonus Investitionszulage
capital investment loan Investitionskredit
direct investment direkte Investition
financing of investment Investitionsfinanzierung
foreign investment Auslandsinvestition
gross investment Bruttoinvestitionen
gross investments Bruttoinvestitionen
investment activity Investitionsverhalten
investment bank Investitionsbank
investment banking Anlagebankgeschäft
investment boom Investitionskonjunktur
investment certificate Investmentzertifikat
investment company Investmentgesellschaft , Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
investment consultant Anlageberater
investment credit Investitionskredit
investment financing Investitionsfinanzierung
investment fund Investmentfonds
investment grant Investitionsbeihilfe
investment incentive Investitionsanreiz
investment income Vermögenseinkommen
investment loan Investitionskredit
investment manager Anlageverwalter
investment means Investmittel
investment multiplier Investitionsmultiplikator
investment planning Investitionsplanung
investment policy Anlagepolitik
investment portfolio Anlageportefeuille
investment potential Anlagepotential
investment program Investitionsprogramm
investment project Investitionsvorhaben , Anlageprojekt
investment rate Investitionsrate
investment reserve Anlagereserven
investment risk Anlagerisiko
investment savings account Anlagekonto
investment trust Investmentgesellschaft , ‰ gravitropism , Investmenttrust , Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
net investment Nettoinvestition
portfolio investment Aktienanlage
productive investment Vermögensanlage
rate of investment Investitionsrate
real estate investment trust Immobilienfonds
real investment Sachanlage
replacement investment Reinvestition
safe investment sichere Anlage
Examples (Beispiele)
It needs such investmentEs braucht solche Investitionen
This investment is necessaryDiese Investitionen sind notwendig
All of the reform investment is essentialJede Investition in die Reform ist wichtig