Mr President , during nearly thirty years in medical practice , I have many times had occasion to take charge of the health care and psychological follow - up of children adopted from their most innocent childhood and have done so until they were adults. A constant observation among these children is that psychological problems manifest themselves from adolescence in varying degrees according to the capacity of the adoptive families to welcome them , but always in relation to deep cultural differences when the children come from distant countries. The wrench between the two civilizations in which these children have lived , whether Koreans , Sri Lankans or Zaireans , is real , even though they only have an imaginary vision of their country of origin. It is important , to my mind , that our Parliament should urge countries in the Union , and also other European countries , to facilitate the adoption of their residents and ensure that the trade in children practised by a growing number of third countries is stopped. Not all our countries have the same legislation | Herr Präsident , als Mitglied des Ausschusses für Grundfreiheiten und innere Angelegenheiten begrüße ich den Bericht Zimmermann über Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Minderjährigen in der EU. Es ist klar , daß die europäische Gesellschaft erst kürzlich das volle Ausmaß , die versteckten 8/9 des Eisbergs des sexuellen Kindesmißbrauchs entdeckt hat , die durch die Ereignisse in Großbritannien und Belgien auf so tragische Weise ans Tageslicht kamen. Es gibt Kindesmißbrauch. Wir alle wissen das. Es gibt auch organisierten Kindesmißbrauch |