It fell to Angela Merkel to rebuke Mr Mugabe with wonderful , almost British understatement that Zimbabwe damages the image of the new Africa'
Es fiel Angela Merkel zu , Herrn Mugabe mit wundervollem , fast schon britischem Understatement dafür zu rügen , dass Simbabwe dem Bild des neuen Afrika schadet
Rather than accepting a mild rebuke , the EU establishment went into overdrive , cajoling and threatening the various signatories in an attempt to prevent the motion from seeing the light of day
Anstatt eine milde Rüge zu akzeptieren , läuft das EU - Establishment auf Hochtouren und versucht , durch Schmeicheleien und Drohungen gegenüber den Unterzeichnern das Erscheinen des Misstrauensantrags zu verhindern
Today , however , I have a gentle rebuke for the Bureau's officials , since , recently , as you will have observed , I have not had the opportunity of chairing this cosy end to the Friday sitting