


"encrustation" - Transsoftware English-German dictionary (Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch)

1. {noun}   Inkrustierung {f} , Bedeckung {f}
Examples (Beispiele)
Integration is indeed a good thing , but it has become unbalanced , in that we sometimes have too much of it at home , while outside - which is where the public want more of a common foreign and security policy - there is not enough of it , and , if you doubt that , you need only ask yourself whether it is not indeed the case that an appeal for the release of the brave British soldiers is much more effective when it is backed by the whole of the European Union rather than coming from only one Member State.The European Union needs to be liberated from the encrustation with which the integrationist approach has overlaid it , and that is where your thinking about discontinuity hits the nail right on the head , with the idea that a draft act that has not been passed into law by the end of a legislative period should be required to lapse. That will make for clarity , make it clearer who is responsible for what , and will build confidence , and so , Madam Federal Chancellor , my wish for you is that you succeed in winning back the trust of the peoples of Europe , which you have the opportunity to doDa ist Ihre Überlegung der Diskontinuität völlig richtig. Ein Gesetzentwurf , der am Ende einer Legislatur nicht erledigt ist , muss verfallen. Das schafft Klarheit , verdeutlicht Verantwortlichkeit und schafft Vertrauen. Deswegen mein Wunsch an Sie , Frau Bundeskanzlerin : Gewinnen Sie das Vertrauen der europäischen Völker wieder. Sie haben dazu die Chance