


"chiaroscuro" - Transsoftware English-German dictionary (Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch)

1. {noun}   Helldunkel {n}
Examples (Beispiele)
   – Mr President , Mr President—in - Office of the Council , Mr President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , the report by the President—in - Office of the Council on the Brussels Summit offers us – to put it in artistic terms – a sketch , an outline in chiaroscuro , because a very important challenge for the whole of Europe is being faced , which is to draw up the Constitution and also to organise our territory. It makes good sense , therefore , at the same time as the Constitution , to talk about the networks of arteries and nerves – the infrastructure networks – which give structure to something which is more than just a market : a project aimed at sharing our lives.With regard to the Intergovernmental Conference , I must express my group’s concern , because it gives the impression that it is producing a litany , a repetition of positions , and is not getting down to solving problems. I must say that we are very concerned about the fact that the first decision to be made – with the opposition of the representatives of Parliament – has been to remove the Legislative Council   – Ich möchte diese Gelegenheit nutzen und das Haus darüber unterrichten , dass der Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen , Herr Kofi Annan , am 29. Januar 2004 an unserer Plenarsitzung in Brüssel teilnehmen wird. Wir freuen uns sehr auf seinen Besuch.Im Zusammenhang mit der Regierungskonferenz muss ich die Sorge meiner Fraktion zum Ausdruck bringen , denn sie vermittelt den Eindruck einer Litanei , einer Wiederholung von Positionen , anstatt dass man daran geht , Probleme zu lösen