


"archdiocese" - Transsoftware English-German dictionary (Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch)

1. {noun}   Erzdiözese {f} , Archidiözese {f}
Examples (Beispiele)
Madam President , Mr Vice - President of the Commission , ladies and gentlemen , as has already been said , during the night of 26 April , Bishop Gerardi , the auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Guatemala was murdered in Guatemala City.In expressing our regret and condemnation of this crime , we must also express our solidarity with his relatives and collaborators , and with the Guatemalan people in general.As has been said , Bishop Gerardi had coordinated the documents reflecting the human rights violations which occurred in that country during the years of armed conflict , and the conclusions of that work had just been presented to the public.We must of course be somewhat prudent and not speculate at the moment , but we must demand that the Guatemalan government and judiciary complete their investigations. We are obviously keen to hear the conclusions of those investigations.Violent acts of this nature cannot go unpunished , and cannot be used cynically as a tool against the peace agreements for anybody's selfish interests. The Guatemalan government is committed to those agreements , as are most of the parties and civil organizations in that country , as well as the group of friendly countries which supported the dialogue which culminated in those peace agreements.The European Union must also carry on lending its political and economic support to the content of the Guatemalan peace process.Such an act , so painful and worthy of condemnation , cannot call a country's image into question , but we find it worrying as an expression of a violence still all too present within Guatemalan society. The people of Guatemala deserve the best possible future after decades of armed confrontation and violence.Peace in Guatemala also marked the culmination of a process of pacification throughout Central AmericaFrau Präsidentin. Ich denke , wir haben in dieser Sitzung bei vielen Gelegenheiten von der Straflosigkeit gesprochen und darüber , wie bisweilen Menschenrechtsvertreter ermordet werden. Ich meine , daß gerade der Bericht von Monsignore Gerardi , der über fünftausend Fälle von Menschen enthält , deren Rechte in der Vergangenheit verletzt wurden , gegen die Straflosigkeit gerichtet ist. Monsignore Gerardi wollte mit diesem Bericht verhindern , daß sich Ereignisse wie die , die sich in Guatemala zugetragen haben , nicht wiederholen. Tatsächlich sagte er nach der Fertigstellung seines Berichts : Nun kann ich beruhigt sterben. Nie wieder darf sich so etwas in Guatemala wiederholen. Folglich haben einige Kollegen Recht , wenn sie sagen , daß das Friedensabkommen aufrechterhalten werden muß , jedoch ohne die Möglichkeit der Straflosigkeit.Im Laufe dieses Nachmittags werden wir ebenfalls die Menschenrechtslage in Kolumbien erörtern. Mehr als drei Menschenrechtsvertreter sind ermordet worden , zwei von ihnen nach Gesprächen mit europäischen Abgeordneten. Die Tatsache , daß diese Straflosigkeit besteht und daß dadurch Menschenrechtsvertreter in jedem dieser Länder fortwährend verschwinden , ist Anlaß zu größter Sorge. Die Kommission muß - wie schon Herr Salafranca sagte - alles in ihrer Macht stehende unternehmen , um dies zu verhindern.Die Kommission stimmt mit dem Parlament überein , daß es für die Beurteilung der Sicherheit des AKW wichtig ist , daß die Experten zu allen Unterlagen über das Modernisierungsprogramm und anderen relevanten Einzelheiten über das Kraftwerk Zugang erhalten
The next item is the joint debate on the following motions for resolutions : Guatemala - B4 - 0493/98 by Mr Bertens and Mr Gasòliba i Böhm , on behalf of the ELDR Group , on the political assassination of Bishop Juan José Gerardi in Guatemala ; - B4 - 0516/98 by Mr Salafranca Sánchez - Neyra , Mrs Ferrer and Mrs Oomen - Ruijten , on behalf of the PPE Group , on the murder of Juan Gerardi , auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Guatemala ; - B4 - 0525/98 by Mrs González Álvarez and others , on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group , on the murder of Bishop Gerardi in Guatemala ; - B4 - 0544/98 by Mr Cabezón Alonso , on behalf of the PSE Group , on the murder of Bishop Juan Gerardi in Guatemala ; - B4 - 0555/98 by Mrs Aelvoet and others , on behalf of the V Group , on the murder of Bishop Juan Gerardi in Guatemala ; Colombia - B4 - 0513/98 by Mr Kreissl - Dörfler and others , on behalf of the V Group , on the murder of Eduardo Umaña Mendoza in Colombia ; - B4 - 0526/98 by Mr Puerta and others , on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group , on murders in Colombia ; - B4 - 0550/98 by Mrs Miranda de Lage , on behalf of the PSE Group , on murders in Colombia ; - B4 - 0553/98 by Mrs Estevan Bolea and Mrs Oomen - Ruijten , on behalf of the PPE Group , on the murder in Colombia of Eduardo Umaña Mendoza ; Turkey - B4 - 0507/98 by Mrs Roth and Mrs Aelvoet , on behalf of the V Group , on the sentence passed on the mayor of Istanbul by the Diyarbakir state security court ; - B4 - 0517/98 by Mr Langen and Mrs Oomen - Ruijten , on behalf of the PPE Group , on Turkey ; - B4 - 0532/98 by Mr Eisma , on behalf of the ELDR Group , on the ruling against the mayor of Istanbul ; - B4 - 0543/98 by Mrs Karamanou and Mrs d'Ancona , on behalf of the PSE Group , on respect for human and political rights in Turkey ; Malaysia - Indonesia - B4 - 0514/98 by Mr Telkämper , Ms McKenna and Mrs van Dijk , on behalf of the V Group , on human rights in Malaysia ; - B4 - 0533/98 by Mr Bertens , on behalf of the ELDR Group , on the unrest in Indonesia ; - B4 - 0545/98 , by Mr Titley and Mr Harrison , on behalf of the PSE Group , on human rights in Malaysia ; Tibet - B4 - 0511/98 by Mrs Aglietta , Mr Orlando and Mr Kerr , on behalf of the V Group , on Tibet ; - B4 - 0537/98 by Mr Bertens and Mrs Larive , on behalf of the ELDR Group , on the political situation in Tibet following the death of a Tibetan hunger striker in New Delhi ; - B4 - 0538/98 by Mr Dupuis and Mr Dell'Alba , on behalf of the ARE Group , on Tibet ; Sale of human organs in China - B4 - 0496/98 by Mr Bertens and Mrs André - Léonard , on behalf of the ELDR Group , on the sale of organs from executed prisoners in China ; - B4 - 0500/98 by Mr Dupuis , Mr Dell'Alba and Mr Hory , on behalf of the ARE Group , on the sale of organs from executed prisoners in China ; - B4 - 0510/98 by Mrs Aglietta , Mr Tamino and Mr Ripa di Meana , on behalf of the V Group , on the death penalty in China and the traffic in organs of executed prisoners ; - B4 - 0519/98 by Mr Habsburg - Lothringen and Mrs Oomen - Ruijten , on behalf of the PPE Group , on trade in human organs in China ; Death sentences in Myanmar - B4 - 0557/98 by Mr Telkämper , Ms McKenna and Mrs Aglietta , on behalf of the V Group , on death sentences in Myanmar .Guatemala.30 pDie Aussprache ist geschlossen.Die Abstimmung findet heute nachmittag um 17.30 Uhr statt. Auf Grund dieses Antrags legte die Kommission in den Jahren 1994 und 1995 ein umfangreiches Modernisierungsprogramm für diese beiden Reaktorblöcke auf