- The anti - grassroots policy of the EU and of the bourgeois governments is lowering the standards of public health services , resulting in stress for patients , waiting lists , a lack of various services , heavy taxes , a lack of cover for uninsured persons and immigrants and so on
We clearly had to do our utmost to prevent a repeat of similar natural disasters on this scale. We clearly had to act together. The EU clearly had to send out a signal that ships in very poor condition , uninsured and failing to comply with basic safety rules , were not welcome on European shores
Wir mussten eindeutig alles Menschenmögliche tun , um die Wiederholung von Naturkatastrophen ähnlichen Ausmaßes zu verhindern. Wir mussten ganz eindeutig zusammenarbeiten. Die EU musste eindeutig ein Signal aussenden , dass Schiffe in äußerst schlechtem Zustand , unversicherte Schiffe oder solche , die die grundlegenden Sicherheitsbestimmungen nicht einhielten , an europäischen Küsten nicht willkommen seien
Specifying the conditions for the employment of third - country nationals , which must be the same as the conditions applying to residents of the Member State which is the flag state , does not however deal with the problem of undeclared , uninsured work. The rapporteur has made a very laudable effort , but we cannot agree with her on this point
Die Bemühungen der Berichterstatterin sind generell lobenswert , aber in diesem Punkt können wir ihr nicht zustimmen. Die Aufweichung der Vorschriften führt zu Schwarzarbeit und zur Arbeitslosigkeit der Seeleute in der Gemeinschaft