1. {adjective} ansehnlich, großzügig, gut aussehend, gutaussehend, hübsch, schön, splendid
Examples (Beispiele)
Now it is up to this Parliament , as a whole , to make use of its legitimate supervisory powers to ensure that the work done by the Committee of Inquiry is something more than a handsome but futile gesture
Herr Santer , ich bin besonders dankbar , daß Sie gesagt haben , wir müssen grundsätzlich an eine Änderung der Agrarpolitik herangehen
Whilst expressing my thanks for this handsome and encouraging report , I would like to offer my very best wishes for the responsible position which its draftsman will in future hold as Advocate - General of the European Court of Justice
Uns wäre es aber lieber , daß die Anerkennung direkter und ausdrücklicher wäre
Even at the moment that your mother’s ovum came together with your father’s sperm , even when you were a tiny embryo , you were just as charming , just as handsome as you are now , your voice was as easy on the ear as it is today
Lieber Marco Cappato , Sie sind ein so charmanter Bursche