. – Mr President , within the framework of the European Union's common shipping policy , shipping conferences have been set up as a form of union of regular line shipping companies with a view to controlling the strategic and profitable sector of maritime transport.These are similar in form but less advanced than the pools of chemical shipping companies which were set up later. Shipping conferences regulate the lines of ships round trips , the ports they put into , the number of ships available for each line and the freightage charged.The argument that shipping conferences have supposedly brought about better and cheaper services for the workers is unsubstantiated. Inflation , poverty , unemployment , poorer and more commercialised services are the harsh reality which workers have to put up with.Shipping conferences were developed for the transportation of raw materials and in international trade in general , mainly between the northern European shore and shipping monopolies , and they secured huge , astronomical profits for euro - unifying capital | der Verordnung Nr. 1/2003 vorgesehenen Ausnahmeregelung festzuhalten. Aus diesem Grund schlagen wir die Änderungsanträge 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 und 19 vor. Zudem ist es dringend erforderlich , die volksfeindliche Verordnung Nr. 3577/92 für den Küstenverkehr abzuschaffen. Der Seeverkehr stellt eine soziale Notwendigkeit dar , der im Rahmen einer volksfeindlichen Wettbewerbspolitik keineswegs Rechnung getragen werden kann. Der Bericht enthält zweckdienliche Einzelheiten und weist kleinen Anbietern besondere Bedeutung zu |