


"cavern" - Transsoftware English-German dictionary (Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch)

1. {noun}   Höhle {f}
Examples (Beispiele)
Mr President , the Morgan Report is an own - initiative report of the Culture Commission. I think we had to stress the fact that without co - ordinated educational actions and without a cultural perspective , European information society would be an empty balloon. Our generation , which invented the information superhighways , now has before it the greatest of challenges , either to turn it from a Pandora's box into an Ali Baba's cavern or to transform the danger of the pulverisation of information and the uncontrolled circulation of products into a marvellous area of knowledge and memory.Since time immemorial , Europe has been the continent which has been aware of its long past and which has insisted on transmitting to others. This is what distinguishes us from other world cultures , that of America , because it is so young and has such a short history , and those of Asia because , being so old , they were always selfsufficient.Therefore , if possible before the year 2000 - and we cannot over - emphasise the urgency of acting in fields which could grow at rates of something like 40 % a year - I repeat that we must take essential measures : Commission studies setting out all of its activities in this area , comparing measures and funding systems in the different Member States and assessing their relative effectiveness ; - compulsory training for teachers and young people , guaranteeing at the same time technical support accessible to everyone ; - strengthening the Community budget , setting up a sub - title in this area and the framework programme and transferring to the development of content some of which has already been earmarked for infrastructures ; - stimulating national inter - school and university networks , creating economies of scale ; - giving incentives to associations between enterprises and teaching establishments through tax breaks and other means to stimulate the quality of production and build this very important bridge between education and leisure.What we must do , Mr President , Commissioner , is make sure that the communication and information technologies - which we should now stop calling new technologies - should not be seen as an end but as a means for selecting and communicating knowledge.I must congratulate Mr Morgan on having condensed into his report the essence of these concerns , which are concerns for us all.Limited - time subsidies from Telecom or through the Commission's pilot projects for schools are all very well and good , and I welcome themHerr Präsident , liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Auch ich gratuliere Frau Morgan zu ihrem sehr wichtigen Bericht. Nach so vielen grundsätzlichen Ausführungen und angesichts einer gewissen MultimediaEuphorie , die ja manchmal auch bei der Kommission festzustellen ist , lassen Sie mich einige Bemerkungen zu drei praktischen Fragen aus diesem Bereich machen. Inwieweit fügen sich die Multimedia - Aktivitäten der Kommission in die Bildungspolitiken der einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten wirklich ein. Gibt es hier ein abgestimmtes , ergänzendes Konzept. Ich habe hier große Zweifel. Alle Schulen in Europa sollen vernetzt werden , sagt die Kommission. Derzeit haben aber weniger als 5 % der europäischen Schulen Zugang zum Internet oder anderen Netzen. Wie soll da ein chancengleicher Zugang zu neuen Medien und damit auch zu neuen Beschäftigungschancen in einem Europa der größeren Mobilität gegeben sein